Thursday, November 18, 2010

Upper & Lower Casket

The Egyptian royalty had a few demands for their journey into the Afterlife, they demanded that the poor Egyptians would be buried in the worst way possible or at least in a way that didn't surpass the elites' burials. So when the time came to be, well... dead not only did the poor have a dog bed like coffin, but also when their organs were taken out, they were thrown into the river like cow pies! The high-class Egyptians always got the better end, even in organ storage when their "amazing" organs were taken out and were washed in wine. At the times when canopic jars were hardly ever used, the organs were stuffed back into the chest cavity and smothered by linen, but that was only for the elite while the lower-class born were stuck with sawdust. Now, don't fret for those downtrod for there is a little sweet sliver of irony for them! It is fact that the mummies of the poor whom were left in the dessert are better preserved than most high-end mummies! I know the wealthy are often treated better in life, but later when you're at the Weighing of The Heart ceremony, you'll be the one going to paradise while the evil jerks who bullied you are eaten by a horrific monster! Don't you feel better now?

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